87届常会th 德州议会 ended May 31 with several REALTOR® victories on behalf of Texas real estate 消费者 and private property rights. 感谢您的支持, the following REALTOR®-supported bills are moving on to the governor’s desk to be signed into law (as of June 1, 2021):

  • 肥厚性骨关节病变与肺部转移的改革: 参议院第1588号法案. 布莱恩·休斯,众议员. Chris Turner) makes several pro-homeowner re形式, including a cap on resale certificate fees, 增加HOA管理的透明度, and better due process to resolve disputes.
  • Removing Discriminatory Covenants from Deeds: 参议院第30号法案(由参议员起草). 罗伊斯·韦斯特(Royce West)的赞助. Jeff Leach) provides property owners a way to remove 歧视性的 covenants from their real estate deeds via the county clerk’s office.
  • 增加宽带接入: 众议院第5号法案(由共和党人撰写). 特伦特·阿什比和参议员赞助. Robert Nichols) provides resources to expand access to broadband internet in eligible areas of the state.   
  • 民事责任改革: 参议院第6号法案(由参议员奥巴马起草). 凯利·汉考克,由众议员. Jeff Leach) ensures that small business owners, 像2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, can continue to provide their essential services during times of crisis with protections from certain claims. 
  • 土地征用权改革: 众议院第2730号法案(由共和党众议员起草). 乔·德斯特尔(Joe Deshotel)的赞助. Lois Kolkhorst) makes the eminent domain process more fair and helps make property owners more aware of their rights when an entity with eminent domain authority seeks to acquire their property.


这些胜利都要感谢 你的 草根参与, meetings with legislators during virtual REALTOR® Day at the Texas Capitol, and 你的 timely response to a call for action. Look for more info about REALTOR® wins in the legislative session in the July issue of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 杂志.