Your 卖家 may be required by law to fill out a seller’s disclosure, but 买家 are not required to sign the disclosure. Even though the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Seller’s Disclosure Notice (TXR 1406) and the TREC Seller’s Disclosure Notice (TREC OP-H) provide places for a buyer to sign on the last page, a buyer does not have to sign or initial at all.

The lines for the buyer are there, 然而, 因为获得买方的签名是卖方及其代理人证明买方收到了卖方披露的副本的一种方法. 和, 因为这个原因, 一些经纪商将试图获得买家签名作为上市代理的办公室政策. 请记住,买方的签名只表示买方承认收到了披露.

Whether 买家 sign or do not sign your seller’s disclosure, 最好在交易文件中注明买方收到披露通知的时间.