德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® is committed to ensuring that our work environment is professional and respectful for all members and employees.

Many people think the real estate industry is all about homes and land and buildings. But we all know that, at its core, this is a people business. Good relationships are the foundation of our work with clients and colleagues. With the recent allegations of harassment at the National Association of REALTORS®, it brings to the forefront the importance of making certain that no member of our community—member or 工作人员—feels marginalized or threatened. 虽然代表NAR发表评论不是我的职责, I want to take this opportunity as chairman of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® to discuss this important subject from the perspective of our state association.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® is committed to ensuring that our work environment is professional and respectful for all members and employees, 不论性别, 比赛, 或性. 我们的军官, 我们的执行委员会成员, and all who serve on committees agree to abide by policies that cover several areas, 包括一般行为和反骚扰. 我们每年都承认这些文件. Each policy clearly states that failure to abide by the policies may result in grounds for removal from the volunteer position. 成员 who attend our conferences also agree when registering to be held accountable to a code of conduct during the event.

反骚扰, 反歧视, and anti-retaliation policies also apply to association 工作人员, and all employees are required to take annual training in this area. Ongoing training is important not only to clearly communicate the standards for appropriate behavior but also to let 工作人员 know what steps to take if they experience or witness inappropriate behavior by another employee, 志愿者领导, 或成员.

I understand that policies and training—though important—are not enough on their own. 彻底的, impartial application of the policies is critical when claims of harassment or improper conduct arise. I also recognize that 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® cannot monitor or control the behavior of the thousands of 志愿者领导, 工作人员, 以及成员之间的互动. But I can tell you this: The association takes every complaint seriously.

If you experience or witness harassment or other improper behavior in our state association, 我鼓励你举报. The association has a harassment complaint form on our website that outlines the steps and information required for a formal complaint. 如果没有对表单的访问权限, you can contact the association’s CEO or general counsel to start the process.

如果你对正式场合感到不自在, 书面十大网络彩票平台大全, 我鼓励你遵循……的规则 看到什么就说什么. 跟我或你们领导团队的任何成员谈谈. Tell your regional vice president or a 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 工作人员 member. Our association is committed to providing a safe space for all members.

For 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® to continue to be the best association we can be, 我们必须支持和授权所有成员, 志愿者领导, 和工作人员. The first step to ensuring that environment is to approach every relationship—every encounter—with the respect and professionalism that we all seek and deserve.