
你可以使用 电信诈骗警告 (TXR 2517) notice to educate clients about the dangers of wire fraud. The form describes common scams and how clients can protect themselves.

你可以分享 电信诈骗警告 在客户需要交付定金或交割房产之前与客户沟通. 有一个空间让客户确认他们已经收到、阅读并理解了信息. If the client refuses to sign the warning, 您应该在交易文件中注明您在该日期交付了表格,而客户拒绝签署.

电信诈骗警告 是150多种表格中的一种,仅供德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®会员使用.

If the scammers succeed, 你的客户仍然要对他们在交易中同意支付的钱负责, says Texas National Title CEO David Tandy. “The sale goes through more times than I would have expected. 但如果金额足够大,那么买家就不太可能替换这些资金.”

Wire fraud is very common, Tandy说. It’s not unusual for a title company to see several attempts a day. 产权公司采取措施试图防止这些犯罪袭击,但他们需要你的帮助. Here’s what he recommends:



Repetition is key to protecting your clients. Your frequent warnings may be what stops them from sending money to scammers. 购房者告诉坦迪,在他们意识到风险之前,他们只差几秒钟就会批准转让.

“买家可能会在交易前一天收到一封电子邮件,告诉他们提前汇款,”坦迪说. “So many people go on autopilot trusting their email, and they wire the funds.”

Get On the Same Page With Title Professionals

你能提供帮助的最好方法之一就是强化产权公司告诉你客户的信息, Tandy说. Agents and title companies should talk and coordinate.

一些产权公司通过电子邮件发送电汇说明,并理解买家在电汇资金之前应该打电话确认. 鼓励你的客户确认产权公司的电话号码,并保存在他们的手机里. Then tell them to only trust information received from that number.

其他产权公司可能使用安全门户发送和接收消息,包括发送电汇指示. 提醒您的客户机只信任门户中接收到的消息,而不是来自电子邮件的消息.

Regardless of what process a title company uses, 你的客户永远不应该仅仅依赖产权公司或其他任何参与交易的人的电子邮件, Tandy强调. 你的客户应该总是打电话给一个经过验证的产权公司电话号码并确认.

Teach Buyers to Be Suspicious

Scammers have ways to know the perfect time to send a fraudulent email. “想一下在交易结束时参与这些邮件线程的每个人,坦迪说. “It might be 10 or 20 people. If just one email account has been breached, the scammers can follow along and know exactly when to strike.”

Modern scams are sophisticated, he cautions. 欺诈性电子邮件可能看起来和真邮件一样,带有电子邮件签名、图片和徽标.

告诉你的客户确认他们不认识的信息的真实性. “一位买家告诉我们,他不相信电话或电子邮件,并问他是否可以开车去办公室取接线说明. 我们说绝对可以!”


大多数时候, 如果你的客户把钱汇到一个欺诈账户,他们的钱就无法收回, Tandy警告. 有一些适当的保护措施,但你的客户不应该依赖它们. 你的客户越早报告电汇欺诈,追回资金的机会就越大. 他们应该立即通知执法部门、贷款人、产权公司和代理人.

Banks sometimes hold up transfers they consider suspicious. “联邦调查局和特勤局说,如果你在汇款后几个小时内打电话, the bank may be able to stop everything,坦迪说。. “That’s called a kill chain.”


有时, 你的卖家客户也可能成为电信诈骗的受害者,如果他们不得不把钱带到成交桌上, Tandy说.

他补充说:“如果卖家电汇这些资金,那么他们就和买家一样成为了目标。. 这样的话, 他们需要提供给买方的所有欺诈警告和电汇说明.“重要的是,你的卖家客户要向产权公司提供正确的电汇信息.

Tandy对更快更方便的游戏发行过程提出了警告. Unless your clients are investors trying to flip a home quickly, there is no need for such quick turnarounds, 他说.

甚至产权公司也可能成为电信欺诈的受害者,他们被欺骗将卖方的收益发送给欺诈者而不是卖方, Tandy笔记. “If a title company is the defrauded party, then it would have to replace the funds that it lost to the fraud.

“有一次, two hours after a closing, we got a call from someone pretending to be the seller’s agent. 那个人说, “我和卖家在一起,他们刚刚意识到他们给了你错误的电汇信息. We can give you the correct information now.’ And we said, ‘That’s great. 卖方需要回办公室亲自提供新的电汇说明给我们,我们将进行更改.但他们没有.”