参加下面的测试,看看你自己的领导能力是如何发展的. Each question has two choices. 尽管你可能觉得这两个选择都表达了你的观点, 选择一个最能代表你现在所想和所做的. Want to print this quiz? Download the article here.

1. My management style would best be described as:
a. 有效地指导销售人员的工作.
b. 通过销售人员的自愿合作,达到预定的目标.

2. It is more important for me to:
a. 把事情做好.
b. 做正确的事.

3. When a sales associate comes to me with a problem, I:
a. do my best to come up with a solution.
b. 鼓励销售助理尝试找到自己的解决方案.

4. 作为管理者:
a. 我试着创造一个让人们自我激励的环境.
b. it is my duty to motivate my sales and support staff.

5. I believe leadership:
a. is an art based upon person-to-person relationships.
b. 一门科学是被分解成一系列可以被掌握的组成部分吗.

6. I have come to the conclusion that leadership is:
a. the most critical “at the top.”
b. needed at every level of the company.

7. In my opinion, it is more important to:
a. achieve company-set goals.
b. constantly try to move to a new, higher plateau.

8. I believe it is more important for me to focus upon:
a. innovation and growth.
b. 完成工作.

9. I see myself primarily as:
a. a facilitator of human potential.
b. a source of solid information and good advice.

10. My role within my company is to focus on:
a. the company’s values, commitment, and aspirations.
b. the company’s organization, human skills, and technology.

11. In my office, my job is to:
a. “pull” others along by my example.
b. “push” others to achieve their goals.

12. I know that I’m doing a good job when:
a. everything in my office is harmonious.
b. I can deal with conflict effectively.




What your score means about you as a leader or manager

45-60: 你有很强的领导才能,而且可能被认为是一个善于交际的人. 你鼓励你的代理人为自己负责,并通过鼓励他们自己做决定来帮助他们. You challenge your staff to “move to the next level.“你重视所有员工的意见,愿意倾听2021十大正规彩票app和抱怨. 你的办公室可能是Y管理理论适用的地方——重点是团队,而不是你作为领导者或教练. If you work for a top-down organization, 你可能与高层管理人员有困难,他们对你的管理风格有不同的看法.

35-40: While you have a predominance of leadership characteristics, 在某些情况下,你仍然认为自己是办公室里的主要专家. 有时候,你可能更愿意解决问题,而不是让各方自己找到解决方案. 你可能会觉得你的代理人的成功或失败主要反映在你身上,因为你认为代理人是你的个人责任. 不过, 团队对你来说可能很重要,在一个严格自上而下的组织里,你会感到很不舒服.

15-30: You view your role more as a manager rather than a leader. 你专注于解决问题,成为信息和动力的来源,对于那些需要别人激励的人来说,这是非常有效的. You like to set goals and then achieve them. 你也相信实现公司设定的目标是非常重要的. When there is a problem, you believe that it can be analyzed and then solved, usually with your assistance. 你可能更喜欢你的代理人带着他们的问题来找你, but this tends to make them quite dependent upon you. 你可能会花太多的时间来解决问题,以至于你经常没有时间去完成其他重要的任务.

0-10: 你相信管理的X理论——传统的自上而下的组织. 你认为解决代理人的问题是你的责任, make sure that company policies are followed, motivate your agents to be successful, and push your agents into achieving their goals. 不幸的是,这创造了一个环境,你的员工可能会变得非常依赖你. 也, 如果你没有为一个问题提出正确的解决方案, your staff will blame you instead of taking responsibility. 也, 总是催促你的代理人实现他们的目标或遵循公司政策的压力可能会让你失望. 如果你所在的公司信奉Y型组织(领导者与团队其他成员并肩工作), you may have difficulty.