Military Relocation Professional (MRP) Certification

MRP认证教你如何与现役和退役军人一起工作. 你将学习找到最适合他们需要的住房解决方案,以及如何利用军事利益和支持.

“It’s designed to help agents understand what the military is working with, 限制明智, and any benefits that they can take advantage of,麦克法兰说, 他也是MRP讲师.

“通过获得MRP认证,列奥纳迪说, “I gained essential knowledge about what military clients need. I think it helps them trust me when they hire me as their agent. 还有一个很好的网络, 和其他2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®获得安心知道任何人与MRP认证将照顾军事客户.”



“If you’re working with active-duty military, they may only have three days to a week to find a house,麦克法兰说, a retired Marine and Director of Agent Development at RE/MAX Elite Mission. “你要在三天内疯狂地看房、写报价、谈判.”

凯伦·弗莱利,M. Stagers Realty Partners in San Antonio and self-described military brat, 他说:“你必须能够迅速与军方客户打交道,因为他们可能只有一周的时间.”


因为时间很短, it helps to do as much preparation as possible before meeting with military clients. You don’t have the luxury of looking at houses for several days.

“我们和他们谈过很多次,迈克尔·泽尔说, Broker/Owner with Armadillo Properties in Copperas Cove and a retired Army officer. “我们给他们发送不同房产的信息,以缩小他们感兴趣的范围. So when you have the first face-to-face meeting, you already know what they want. You’re not spending days driving around looking at properties.”

Part of that preparation involves knowing your market inside and out. “It’s important to know what’s new to the market today, 什么东西又回到了市场上, 接下来会有什么,帕梅拉·莱昂纳迪说, 她是威奇托福尔斯派拉蒙2021十大正规彩票app服务公司的经纪人,嫁给了一名现役空军成员. “When someone calls me and needs to see something today, I’ll know what’s available and I’ll be there.”

另一个因素是客户在职业生涯中的位置和他们未来的计划是什么. Your role as an advisor is to figure out what’s best for your clients, 军事机构也不例外.

“You have to ask them, ‘Are you retiring here? 这是你最后一次任务吗? 你要在这里待多久?’”弗雷利说. “For many of them, they’re stationed somewhere for three years. 如果这是一个疯狂的市场,就像圣安东尼奥的情况一样,也许他们最好租房. Or maybe they’re ready to invest in a property and rent it when they move on.”

麦克法兰说:“在我20年的海军陆战队服役期间,我从未买过房子。. “I didn’t know any better and I didn’t see the benefit of buying. But today, as an agent, I understand the benefit. I understand how it can be a long-range benefit for them.”


Veterans may not have the time limitations of active-duty military, 但他们仍然面临着融资和了解他们可以获得的好处方面的挑战. 根据美国国防部的最新数据,德克萨斯州有150多万退伍军人.S. 退伍军人事务部. MRP指定课程提供与退伍军人一起工作的信息,并帮助他们利用现有的项目. You can also find information from the Texas Veterans Land Board at


Most active-duty military are far from the market where they need to find housing. 他们正在结束之前的部署,可能会在那个地区出售一栋房子. 在这种情况下, spouses or other relatives might be with you in person, 帮助缺席的军人. 考虑如何利用技术来帮助军人客户对他们的住房决定感到满意.

“你可能会亲自与配偶而不是军人打交道——这种情况经常发生. 军人配偶可能在海外或在类似的情况下,他们不能在那里,麦克法兰说. “我可能会为他们录制视频或视频聊天,就像他们在房子里走来走去一样.”

Certain markets have seen many purchases where the clients never visited in person.

“About 80% of my military clients buy without visiting the property,列奥纳迪说. “到达基地后还要等待住房的情况并不好——尤其是带着年幼孩子的现役军人——所以军人客户选择依赖虚拟旅行. I’ve gotten really good at making video home tours, including using a drone to show the area to my clients.”

泽尔还发现,从未拜访过房产的客户有所增加:“我们有很多没见过的购房者. 他们根本没有时间去看房,决定是否出个价——房子已经没了. 租客也经常这样. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® developed a form that I use, 住宅租赁未见附录, where clients can indicate if they saw it online or had someone else visit.”

Fraley says that despite the short timelines, remember the human aspect of these transactions, because there can be a lot of emotion involved. “They don’t always get to choose where they’re going,” she says. “压力很大. They may be coming to a city they know nothing about, and it’s all happening fast.”


许多现役军人使用退伍军人管理局的贷款,因为他们不需要首付. 这对军人来说太好了, but there are misconceptions about VA loans that can hurt your clients.

“我看到我的军人客户最常见的挑战是卖家不愿意接受退伍军人管理局的贷款,Fraley说. “将你的客户与一个了解产品的优秀VA贷款人配对是至关重要的. 然后,当有人对我的客户说,‘你不能这么做’时,贷款机构就可以介入,让它发挥作用.”

莱昂纳迪补充说,如果你要为这个社区提供服务,你还需要了解退伍军人事务部贷款:“我在2015年开始工作后花了几年时间才了解到,某些房产不适用于退伍军人事务部贷款. It helps my military clients know which properties to focus on.”

麦克法兰同意你需要了解退伍军人管理局的贷款,并2021十大正规彩票app在与军人客户合作时考虑另一种贷款产品:“看看德克萨斯州退伍军人土地委员会. A veteran or active military member buying in Texas is eligible for their programs, one of which is a home loan with discounted rates that’s an overlay on a VA loan.”

他还指出,对于退伍军人管理局的贷款,军事买家中存在大量错误信息. 一位现役军人在圣安东尼奥的退伍军人事务部参加了首次购房者研讨会,有人问他是否考虑过使用退伍军人事务部贷款. 那个人说,‘不. 我还没退休呢.“这就是我要说的:有些军人不知道他们能做什么,不能做什么.”


Fraley says that active-duty military make great clients.

“The attitude of teamwork is really strong with members of the military,” she says. “团队合作、信任和果断. They usually are clear on something, they decide, and they stick with it. 我们通常对所有客户都一视同仁. I like thinking that we owe more to our military clients.”

McFarland agrees: “Our job, as real estate agents, is to help people. And these transactions are a huge opportunity to serve them.”