穆罕默德·阿里·图克迪(Mohammad-Ali Tukdi)从未打算强调他的2021十大正规彩票app公司的多样性, 但这正是这位达什地产的经纪人兼所有者所经历的事情. 在达拉斯的代理人, 圣安东尼奥, 休斯顿, Midland-Odessa, 和奥斯汀, the brokerage has become known as a welcoming, inclusive place for agents of all ethnic backgrounds, 性别, 宗教, 生活方式偏好.

Tukdi, 他来自巴基斯坦, 他对自己的经纪公司因其多样化的经营方式而受到关注的事实感到谦逊吗. “I never had diversity or inclusion in mind when building my company; it really just happened naturally,Tukdi说, 他在德克萨斯州拥有180多家代理商,是九个当地REALTOR®协会的成员.

He’s been active in the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA), for which he served as treasurer at one point. “I think that played a role in getting us to where we are today,Tukdi说.
If he had to pinpoint the secret to his diverse agent-hiring approach, Tukdi说,这可以归结为一个简单的管理哲学:不要希望你的经纪人像你一样, always encourage them to be true to themselves. “我思想开放,我真的不希望我的经纪人像我一样,”图克迪说. “我一直在这里帮助他们成长和成功,但最终我只想让他们做自己.”


作为美国.S. demographic makeup continues to become more diverse, 有人可能会认为,2021十大正规彩票app经纪公司将会“看起来”更像他们所服务的人群. 根据最新的美国经济报告.S. Census numbers, for example, the population of Texas is 42% white, 39.4%的西班牙裔或拉丁裔,12%.7% black or African American, 5% Asian, and 2% two or more races. 这意味着被认为是“少数民族”的群体现在总数接近4个.6 million more Texans than the white population of the state.

That’s something that Texas brokers should pay attention to, Socar Chatmon-Thomas说, 奥斯汀优雅地产拍卖的经纪人/所有者,也是一名在家与多样性(AHWD)讲师. “The world is not all white, and the world is not all black,她说。. 作为一个国家, 一个国家, 一个产业, it’s time we realize that the world is more brown than anything else. But real estate isn’t—if it were, we wouldn’t be having these conversations.”

Calling Texas a “majority-minority state,查特蒙-托马斯表示,随着越来越多的经纪人将多元化和包容性举措纳入他们的招聘实践,这种趋势正在慢慢改变. 然而,她说,在很多情况下,这些努力背后并没有强大的努力或承诺.

“I don’t think the brokerages are actively recruiting people of color, or going into high schools and telling 18-year-olds, ‘嘿, 你猜怎么着? 我想赚点钱? 去2021十大正规彩票app学校怎么样, becoming somebody’s apprentice or assistant, 然后自己拓展业务?’”查特蒙-托马斯说. 在大多数情况下, 代理人或经纪人甚至不会想到他们在一个没有有色人种的办公室里.”


当Tukdi在2007年进入2021十大正规彩票app市场时,市场处于相当不稳定的状态. Not really wanting to work on commission, 他说,不管怎样,他还是拿到了2021十大正规彩票app许可证,并决定试一试. “当时我身无分文, and this was one of the few businesses you could start with zero investment,Tukdi回忆道. “I needed to feed my family, so I basically had to make this work.”

Tukdi worked on his own as an apartment locator for two years, then got his broker’s license in 2009 and opened his own company. “I had no agents; I just rented some space and started my business,” 他说. 在经历了经济上和生活上的挣扎之后,图克迪说,当他开始组建自己的团队时, 他立即被那些努力工作、但正在应对挑战、需要帮助建立企业的人所吸引.

“我会和他们见面,试图弄清楚他们缺少什么,缺少什么,Tukdi说. “然后,我会想办法帮助他们克服障碍,发展业务.随着他的经纪业务的发展, 图克迪说,他还找了一些人,他们认为他更像是教练和导师,而不是老板. 更重要的是, 他说, is that he took lessons from everyone he brought on board, 直到今天依然如此.

“I consider myself the student,Tukdi说. 这种方法不仅帮助这家德州经纪公司吸引了多样化的代理群体, but it has also kept agent turnover to a minimum. “我的经纪人就像我的家人,”Tukdi说,他不遵守正式的营业时间. “I’m there for them and available around the clock. 即使是周日晚上8点.m., they know they can reach out to me for whatever they need.”


佩吉·琼斯一直都知道她想经营自己的商业2021十大正规彩票app经纪公司, but she wasn’t quite sure how to get there. 自2004年起获发牌照, 两年后,她成为了一名经纪人, 获得硕士学位, and hit the streets in search of a broker to work for. “他们没有一个人愿意和我说话,琼斯说。, who is now managing director at SVN/PJP 商业 Brokerage in San Marcos, “because I didn’t have enough of a background in the industry.

“I’d built campgrounds and had development experience,她说。, “but none of that really seemed to matter.“很失望,但没有气馁, Jones became a loan broker who handled commercial deals, but remained interested in commercial brokerage.

她看了看特许经营权,并申请了一些大型全国性经纪公司的工作,但都没有成功,直到她申请了New braunfels的SVN/PJP公司的职位——这家公司当时正试图扩大其代理多元化的努力.

“我看了他们的一个视频,有人谈到让更多的女性和少数民族成为SVN的一部分,琼斯说。. “I thought, Wow, maybe I should pick up the phone and call them.琼斯毫不掩饰,在拿起电话的那一天,她是多么沮丧, hoping for a different outcome this time.

她得到了她所渴望的. 以你的经验,” the voice on the other end of the line told her, “you should be running your own brokerage instead of working for someone else.之后,公司邀请她参加一个培训项目,并降低了加盟费,使她更能负担得起, Jones became managing director of the firm’s San Marcos location.

Today, Jones is two years into a five-year franchise commitment with SVN. She’s turned her own experience into an advantage in an industry that, according to the National Association of REALTORS® 2018年商业会员简介在美国,男性占70%,平均年龄为60岁. “That’s not a good representation of the population at all,琼斯说。.

琼斯表示,她正在自己的公司进行渐进式变革,并展示了她对公司多元化和包容性的承诺. For example, she recently hired three agents with different backgrounds.

Jones sees good training as one way to address this issue, 他说,有理由认为,经过许可和培训过程的人应该被视为有能力的专业人士, 不管他们是什么肤色, 他们的种族, 性别, 或者生活方式偏好.

“Don’t just automatically assume that because someone doesn’t fit your profile, 他或她没有接受过充分的培训,没有能力处理业务.”